Senior Software Web Developer with 9 years experience.
Delivering High-Performance, Customized Web Solutions.
DevOps Expertise
Extensive experience with industry-leading CI/CD tools, including Atlassian products (Jira Software), Jenkins, Ansible, Git, New Relic, ElasticStack, WebdriverIO, Blazemeter, Rollbar, Bash, Nginx, Apache, LiteSpeed, NPM, Node, and more.
Familiar with a wide range of CI/CD technologies, demonstrating adaptability and problem-solving skills.
Committed to automating workflows and processes to improve efficiency and reduce errors.
Implemented CI/CD pipelines to accelerate development cycles and ensure consistent code quality.
Utilized tools like New Relic and ElasticStack to gain valuable insights into application performance and identify bottlenecks.
Employed WebdriverIO and Blazemeter for comprehensive functional and performance testing.
Managed infrastructure using tools like Ansible and Bash scripting for efficient configuration and deployment.