Matt Kimont

Senior Software Web Developer with 9 years experience.
Delivering High-Performance, Customized Web Solutions.

DevOps Expertise

DevOps Expertise

CI/CD Proficiency:

Extensive experience with industry-leading CI/CD tools, including Atlassian products (Jira Software), Jenkins, Ansible, Git, New Relic, ElasticStack, WebdriverIO, Blazemeter, Rollbar, Bash, Nginx, Apache, LiteSpeed, NPM, Node, and more.

Versatile Toolset:

Familiar with a wide range of CI/CD technologies, demonstrating adaptability and problem-solving skills.

Automation Focus:

Committed to automating workflows and processes to improve efficiency and reduce errors.

Key Achievements:

Streamlined Development:

Implemented CI/CD pipelines to accelerate development cycles and ensure consistent code quality.

Enhanced Monitoring and Analytics:

Utilized tools like New Relic and ElasticStack to gain valuable insights into application performance and identify bottlenecks.

Robust Testing:

Employed WebdriverIO and Blazemeter for comprehensive functional and performance testing.

Infrastructure Management:

Managed infrastructure using tools like Ansible and Bash scripting for efficient configuration and deployment.


I am familiar with at least one of the tool/software presented below:

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